

Using Flexible Rigid PCBs to Produce More Reliable Products

Expensive and complex discrete interconnect cables can reduce design reliability, increase design cost and overall design size. Fortunately, there is an alternative to flexible and flex-rigid PCBs. Flexible PCBs provide a cost-effective and convenient sol

The main trends of PCB development in 2022

With the huge impact of the latest technologies such as 5G, IoT, and artificial intelligence on the world of electronics, there is a lot going on in PCB manufacturing right now.

TWS Earphone Rigid Flex PCBs

Rigid Flex PCB Printed Circuit Board with Green Solder Mask Ink1. High heat resistance and high temperature resistance, can withstand 280 degrees Celsius within 10 seconds and 150 degrees Celsius for a long time.2. Multilayer circuits, where some layers a

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